Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Calvin's Meet Sarah Palin

Sunday, July 26th proved to be an exciting day. After a morning at church, Mike and I headed off to the Governor’s Picnic at Pioneer Park. Today is historic as Sarah Palin resigned as governor and Sean Parnell would take over. As we arrived at Pioneer Park, we found that the crowds were way ahead of us. Driving through the crowded parking lot, we struggled to find an open space. With no parking available, we drove down a side street and parked along the road with several hundred other people.

As Mike and I walked to the park, we saw many Palin supporters and some protestors. In most cases, it was not hard to tell on which side people were. Once we got into the park, we heard that Sarah was serving hot dogs. Without thinking twice, we headed to the longest line and waited our turn to meet the Governor.

As Mike and I inched closer, I began snapping pictures. Sarah Palin was graciously handing out hot dogs to each person while thanking them their support. Once we got to the front of the line, security informed us that we would have to put our cameras away. So, I took my plate with a single bun, handed it to Sarah and she put a hot dog on it and said, “You know, have you thought about going into politics? Let’s talk after the ceremony and I can help you get started.” Okay, just kidding. She handed me my hot dog and said, “Thanks so much for coming out.” I smiled at her and walked down to get my bag of chips. I turned around and watched Mike get his hot dog from the Governor and then we were off to eat.

After eating our Sarah-dogs, we walked around to see what people were doing. We found a few people who had their Anti-Sarah signs and were ready, willing and chomping at the bit to talk with any reporter who would give them some time. We also saw several reporters with their camera crews seeking out any Anti-Sarah protestor to give them some time in the national spot light. Alright, that’s all I am going to say about the liberal, left-winged news media and the narrow-minded, self centered, loud-mouthed protestors. It gets my blood pressure up. So, let’s not talk about it anymore, okay? Enough already!

To alleviate my blood pressure, I found two women with a lot of sense. They were holding up “Thank you, Sarah!” signs. They were a breath of fresh air. After taking a quick picture, Mike and I decided to have a peaceful afternoon by driving home, putting up our feet and getting some much needed R&R, which is what I am doing as I am writing. After this, I think I will cuddle up with my husband and watch a good movie, “Earnest Goes to Camp.” Have a great weekend!

Mike and Kristie pose with a Pro-Sarah sign.

Mike waits in line to meet the Governor.

Sarah Palin serves hot dogs to hungry Republicans and Democrats.

Sarah listens as people ramble on and on an on and on....

Sarah takes this hot dog job seriously!

The media and protestors stand in the hot sun just to see Sarah.

Two ladies are happy to show their support.

Mike stands in the shade before leaving Pioneer Park.

1 comment:

  1. David will be glad to know that you finally met Governor Palin, even if it was on her last day. :-)

    Hope your hot dogs tasted yummy!

    As always, thanks for sharing (the adventures... not the hot dogs...)
