Saturday, August 11, 2012

Blueberry Greed!

Mike and I started out on a 14 mile hike through the White Mountains, today.  We were set with all the necessary equipment and food:  Sandwiches...check!  Water....check!  Snacks....check!  Bear spray....check!  Berry bucket....check!

Mike and I were humming and whistling while hiking along the trail.  We were happy!   I was using my new camera and lenses to take pictures of beautiful things like butterflies and flowers and other stuff, when all of a sudden, Mike stopped cold in his tracks. He had noticed the first blueberry bush loaded down with big, ripe, luscious blueberries.

Mike stopped for a second, picked a couple, looked at me, than sat down and started picking off of every bush within arm's length.  He kept picking and picking and picking and picking.  Finally, he looked at me and told me to start picking!  Being the obedient wife that I am, I complied and started picking berries.  I picked and I picked and I picked.  Mike picked and he picked and he picked. After four hours of picking, we had only ventured about a mile from the car, but came home with a bucket full of fresh, perfectly ripe blueberries!

While we may have done nothing more than pick berries, Mike and I did notice a few "signs of the time."  Fall is definitely, just around the corner!  The cranberries are starting to turn a deep crimson, the blueberry bushes are turning red and other leaves are turning yellow!  With lows in the mid 30's, it's easy to see that fall is creeping upon us!

 Berry picking in an undisclosed location.

 Mike gets sucked into the berry patch!

 Blueberries by the handful!

 Blueberries!  They're mine...all mine!

 Aaaaahhhhh, noooooo!  No yellow leaves!

While most of the leaves are still green,
we are seeing more and more yellow ones.

 Leaves fade from green to red on the blueberry bushes.

 More red leaves!  Yikes!

 The Alaska Cotton is starting to lose its hair!
Fall must be on the way!


 Not sure, but ain't it cute?

  Hello, butterfly!  Heading south?

 Maybe one day, you will grow big and beautiful like the butterfly.

  A mushroom finds a home nestled with the cranberries.

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