Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Fun!

Mike and  I had a very nice Easter Sunday.  After sleeping in, we watched Faith Assembly's Easter service and had a great breakfast.  I cooked my famous (or infamous, depending on who you ask) blueberry wheat/oat waffles, sausage, and and egg casserole.  Needless to say, we had more than enough!

When we finished the service and eating, we were a bit lazy and watched several episodes of Monk.  Now you know you are living the good life when you can combine Easter service with sausage and a Monk marathon!  However, the fun did not end there!

Later in the afternoon (when we were feeling like fat slobs), we put on our hiking boots and went over the Chena Lakes and did some serious walking.  Even though the temperature was up to 45 degrees, the snow is still deep.  However, it is melting.  It's always good to hear the drip, drip, drip of melting snow!

We also caught a glimpse of a snowshoe hare hopping through our yard.  Just like the melting snow, it is good to see the pristine white of the snowshoe hare showing a few brown spots.  It certainly means that summer is on its way!

 Mike takes at break by the frozen Chena River.

 The pathway through the birch trees is beautiful!

 See those brown spots?
Even on the tips of his ears????

Hello summer!  Goodbye winter!

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