Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Melting into Spring

During this last full week of April, the days have been warm and sunny and the nights have been cool.  While the temperatures have been in the upper 50's, the snow is still hanging on to the brown blades of grass.  Even though the snow is still around, Mike and I have started our summer garden inside the humid, 75 degree guest room.  From lettuce to tomatoes to pansies to zinnias, come June 1st, our garden will be filled with vegetables and colorful flowers.

With the long days of sunshine, Abigail, Francie and Zoee are coming out of their winter funk and are now becoming more active.  They spend at least 15 minutes playing every morning (after their breakfast) and then they take a 4 hour nap.  Then, they watch the squirrels through the back window and then take another 4 hour nap.  Once they wake up from nap number two, they eat a quick snack, drink a little water and visit the "little girl's" box.  Since they are obviously completely exhausted from the activity, they take another nap for a few hours.  Then the process starts over.....

Mike and I hope your spring is going well and that you are finding as much enjoyment in the "little" things in life.  You know, like pansies or squirrels running through your yard.

The snow is retreating!

 It won't be long until we are having dinners out on the deck!

  Cucumbers and a tomato

 Green Beans

 Lettuce pots


 Squash and peppers

 Sweet Peas

 Zinnias and other flowers




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