Monday, June 25, 2012

Garden and Wildflowers

As if June hasn't been busy enough with camping, fishing, hiking, and solstice activities, Mike and I have been working hard in the garden.  On June 3rd, we planted a variety of fun veggies including tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, egg plant, broccoli, lettuce and cabbage.  In the last 22 days, the plants have almost doubled in size!  We now have baby tomatoes on our vines (which didn't occur last year until the end of August)! 

We also have been watching a variety of wild flowers bloom in the woods around our house.  The prickly roses' petals have dropped and rose hips have replaced them.  The bluebells are no longer in bloom, but we now have fireweed.  There are also these pretty yellow daisy looking flowers (not sure what they're called) that dot the edge of the woods.

 I bought this hanging tomato pot.
The lady promised that it would produce LOTS of tiny tomatoes.
I'm waiting!

 The first tomatoes on our vines!


 Over-sized cabbage
Last year's cabbage weighed 27 pounds!


 Egg Plant

 Lettuce Pots



 Someone once told me that once the fireweed has bloomed all the
 way to the top means that the first snow is only 6 weeks away.

Cute, yellow flowers (obviously, I don't know the name).

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