Sunday, July 29, 2012

Berries, Jam, Mushrooms and Squash, OH MY!

Whew!  What an enjoyable late summer Mike and I have had picking berries, making jam, picking squash and somehow getting involved with some strange Russian who likes to pick mushrooms.

So far, I have made blueberry-raspberry (Razzy-Blue, as I call it), wild Alaskan strawberry, apple and cinnamon apple jam.  About a week ago, I found the most incredible patch of raspberries!  I picked two gallons in just a couple of hours.  Then, a friend and I went to my favorite blueberry spot and fought off the bears to gather a gallon of blueberries each.  THEN, Mike and I found a great patch of wild Alaskan strawberries and we picked enough to make a half batch of jam, even while fending off ferocious mosquitoes.

Fearing that we did not have enough blueberries to freeze for cereal, pancakes, and waffles, Mike, the Lincolns, that strange guy from somewhere in Russia and I headed back up to a top secret location to pick more.  I handed the Russian guy a bucket in hopes that he would fill it for me.  Instead, he grabbed a basket from his car and started to pick mushrooms.  Frankly, if his fingers were going to touch mushrooms, I was just fine that he didn't pick me any berries.  Everyone under God's great blue sky knows that one should NEVER touch ANYTHING after touching mushrooms.  In fact, I am almost positive that one's hands should be completely sterilized upon coming in contact with any type of fungus!  Regardless, we were able to gather some more berries to freeze for the winter. 

As I was watering the garden tonight, I found a couple of nice squash and there are many more that will be ready within the next week.  Our tomatoes are nice and big, but still very green.  Hopefully, if we can get some more sunshine, they will ripen before winter sets in!

 Chuck uses his handy dandy berry picker to load up on blueberries!

 Dawn picks berries twice as fast as Chuck with her bare hands!

 Mike eats more than what goes in his bucket.

 Oooooo!  Gross!

My beautiful squash!

 Razzy-Blue Jam

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