Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Stroll Up Wickersham Dome

Mike and I spontaneously decided to leave home at 2:30 p.m. and headed up to the White Mountains to hike up to Wickersham Dome.  It was a lovely day with abundant sunshine and a 70 degree temperature.  Could there possibly be a better way to spend a Thursday afternoon/evening???

When we arrived at the trail head, Mike booted up and we were on our way.  Of course, I had to stop to take pictures of wild flowers every few yards, which turned this hike into more of a stroll.  The three miles to the top was just one photo opportunity after another!  Flowers were everywhere!  Scenic views abounded!  Oh my!  I was in photography heaven!!!

Once we reached the top, Mike and I explored around the rocks, drank lots of water and took a nice long rest before heading back down the mountain.  Of course, no trip to the White Mountains would be complete without a stop at the Hilltop Truck Stop for dinner and PIE!  A great ending to a fabulous day!

Mike boots up and is ready for the 6 mile round trip hike.

Reading the sign, Mike learns that last week three people
were mauled by grizzly bears on this trail. (NOT!)

 Shadows are so much fun, because....

 we finally have sunshine!

 Whispy clouds adorn the blue skies.

Mike searches for a cell phone signal, 
just in case he needs to dial 911.

Almost to the top!

 We reached the top and settled in for a rest on the rocks.

 Everywhere we looked, hills and whispy clouds.

 Kristie walked to the edge, peered over and enjoyed the view.

 Mike is enjoying the cool breeze.

 The rocks at the top are home to marmots.

 Can you see the sun's rays refracting through the clouds?

 I was in deep thought on how to solve the problems of our nation's debt crisis, 
unemployment and overcrowding in the prisons.

 More hills!

 Mike struggles to keep the rocks from tipping over.

 Whew!  That rock supporting took its toll on Mike.
He needed a rest!

 Hey, can we go for pie now????

Today's Wild Flowers

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