AC says, "WHY do I have to do this?"

"If you're going to take my picture, please get my good side."

Abigail says, "If anyone comes near me with a comb,
I'll scratch their eyes out!"

"Does my face look like it belongs on America's Most Wanted Kitties?
I promise I didn't do it! Not intentionally, that is...."

Francie says, "I'm the most cutest, sweetest,
prettiest Princess of a Kitty.
My face would be on Cat Fancy,
NOT America's Most Wanted Kitty."

"Wow! I'm gorgeous. I even impress myself."
The Calvin kitties are slowly adjusting to life in Alaska. Since they have had four months to acclimate, AC, Abigail and Francie decided to sit still long enough for me to take some pictures. Their daily schedule pretty much includes the following:
1. Wake up
2. Eat
3. Take a bath
4. Take a nap
Of course, this schedule is repeated throughout the day as many times as they deem necessary. Another favorite activity, all be it a short one, is watching Rusty the Squirrel from the back window. Rusty has been busily storing away nuts for the winter. Somehow he either missed Mike or Mike was just too big to fit in Rusty's tree. I'm not sure which. Anyway, Francie and Abigail are mystified by this red, furry rodent. Personally, I think that they would love to catch little Rusty and eat him, or at least torture him for a while.
The kitties send their love to everyone who reads this blog. They hope they you will visit North Pole, Alaska very soon and stay at the Calvin House!