Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Bald Eagle and 4 Miles for Nachos

The last day of March was a snowy one in North Pole. So, Mike and I decided to jump in the car and drive down to Denali. The Park Road is now open to Mile 15 (Savage River). We stopped at the Murie Science Center and then were on our way Savage River. Once there, we parked the car and started to hike up the road to Mile 17. Now, if you are doing your math correctly, that is 4 miles round trip.

While walking along, we noticed a beautiful bald eagle cirlcing over head. Then, we began to smell something rather strange. Mike looked over to the side of the road and discovered a large carcass that was rather "fresh." However, it had appeared that animals and birds had been harvesting the meat for some time. It was apparent, the eagle was eyeing the free meal. After watching and photographing the majestic bird for a while, we moved on so that he could eat his feast.

On the hike, we found other fun things, such as, icicles. We broke them off and ate them, as we had left water in the car. They were just enough to wet our whistle and keep us cool.

It was a good thing that we hiked uphill for two miles, because after a quick two miles back down the hill, Mike and I promptly drove to Fairbanks and ate a plate of nachos. In my mind, I was trying to figure out if I had walked off the calories from lunch and from dinner. I'm not convinced. I think I may need to walk uphill in the snow at least 10 miles one way to work off the nachos alone!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

More Hawaii Fun!

Night 5 and Day 6 found the Calvin's walking around Waikiki. On Wednesday night, Mike and I found a lovely little sushi bar. By the way, the sushi was INCREDIBLE! Today, Mike, Chuck, Dawn and I walked through downtown Waikiki and did a little shopping. Not too much to share other than a few pictures!

This cockroach has absolutely NOTHING to do with the sushi pictured above. However, we did find it on the sidewalk on the walk to the hotel. It is one of the largest I've ever seen. And, no, I didn't squash it!

Manoa Falls, OH MY!

On our fifth day in Hawaii, Mike, Chuck, Dawn and I went on an uphill hike to Manoa Falls. Lots of fun and lots of fun views!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

West Shore Fun!

On Monday, Chuck, Dawn, Mike and I drove to the West Shore of Oahu. However, before we started on the road, we were graced by watching whales swim by our area of the beach and then we saw a beautiful rainbow!

Once we got over to the West Shore, we found a nice beach. We stopped and decided to walk in the sand and dip our toes in the Pacific Ocean. However, we were surprised to see a Hawaiian Monk Seal resting comfortably on the beach. That quickly consumed all of our attention! The seal was very patient with us and allowed us to photograph him/her without fussing too much!

We, then, continued to drive up the shoreline and finally stopped at Yokohama Beach. There we changed into our swimsuits and played in the ocean and laid on the beach. Oh, the life we live!!!
Rainbow over the harbor.

A whale swims past our area of the beach.

That's one whale of a tail!

First time I've seen a surf board strapped to a fire truck. Don't see those too often in North Pole. Makes sense, though!

Walking on the beach is VERY relaxing!


Dawn, Mike and Kristie soak in the sun!

Oh, life is good!
Mike thinks about jumping in the ocean with all his clothes on.

Kristie takes lots of pictures!

Kristie and Dawn watch the Hawaiian Monk Seal.

Mike wants to give the seal a hug.

He looks like he needs a hug!