Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ice Sculptures

Mike and I spent Sunday afternoon at Christmas in Ice in North Pole. It was a balmy 32 degrees above zero, so no need for a coat. Which is actually a good thing, since I forgot mine at home!

Mike and I get some advice on Christmas gifts from Buddy, the Elf.

Cujo, the ice carver, massacres this block of ice.

Ooooo, can I have the middle stocking with the kitty?

Sealed with a Christmas kiss!

After years of using reindeer, Santa abandons Rudolf for Chester the horse.

Peace on Earth. Better yet, how about just some peace in North Pole!

That has to be the goofiest elf I've ever seen!

Looks like Santa survived the 44 degrees above zero last weekend!

Frosty looks just a little thinner since the warm weather.

This is supposed to be a heart. Hmmm...I guess I can see it.

Rudolf is looking a little wimpy after being

pushed aside by Chester the horse.

After a long night on Christmas Eve, Santa catches a wave in the Bering Sea.

Not much I have to say about this one.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Mom's 40 Below Zero & Thanksgiving Visit

On Thursday, November 17th, my mom braved the elements and the airport to travel over 5000 miles to North Pole, Alaska. When she left Alabama, the temperature was 55 degrees (above zero) and when she stepped off the plane in Fairbanks, it was 42 below zero. From the look on her face, I truly believe that she felt every degree of the 97 degree difference.

During her visit, Mike and I introduced her to UAF Nanook Hockey. Since it was her first hockey game, we thought it would be appropriate to give her a true hockey experience. So, we bought tickets in the first row by the glass. Numerous times, my mom ducked, flinched and winced as players crashed into the boards right in front of her OR as the puck came flying into the glass at 100+ MPH. Personally, I think my mom was secretly happy when the game was over. What gave it away? The sheer fact that she had her coat and gloves on before the final buzzer and was half way to car before the players finished shaking hands with the opposing team.

We also took my mom down to Salcha for a visit to the Knotty Shop and then back to North Pole to the Santa Claus House. After looking at the reindeer for a few seconds at 35 below zero, we hurried inside to see the big man. Since, Santa has been in high demand, Mike, my mom and I had to take a number. We were number 9! Somehow that just seemed like a good number.

As we were browsing through the many souvenirs that had been made in China for probably a quarter and being sold for $50, our number came up! It was our turn to see Santa. As we walked up to him, Santa insisted that my mom sit on his lap. My mom politely declined, but when Santa tells you to do something, you do it. So, my mom eventually obeyed Santa's orders and sat in his lap. Just like she was ready for the hockey game to be over, my mom was even more ready to be off of Santa's lap! Once the picture was taken, she bolted from his lap, gave a half smile and a thank you, and was out the door and almost to the car before I could say, "I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus!"

Since the weather has been so cold, we limited our outdoor activities, as much as possible. However, we did get out to do some last minute thanksgiving shopping. On Thanksgiving Day, we hosted a dinner for us and our neighbors, Terry and Julie. By 9:00 p.m., we were almost as stuffed as the turkey we roasted!

Today (Friday), my mom leaves to go back to Alabama. Her late night (1:30 a.m.) flight is on time and we are getting ready to head to the airport. We have enjoyed having her for this short time and hope that the next time she comes it's much warmer!

Mike and Mom at the Knotty Shop.

Mike and Mom tell Santa what a good girl I've been this year.

Check it out! It's warmed up to 22 below zero!

Mom enjoys the lights and ice sculptures in North Pole.

Blitzen tells Mom all of Santa's secrets!

Kristie and Mom enjoy listening to Comet

talk about Mrs. Claus' recipe for sugar cookies.

Please don't feed the reindeer!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Twin Bears Snow Hike

Mike and I went on a leisurely snow hike at Twin Bears on Chena Hot Springs Road. The temperature was 15 above zero and the snow was incredible!

At the start of our hike, snow adorns the branches of the trees.

Quickly, things turn scary in the search for the car.
Kristie blazes unbroken trails to look for our ride home.

Trying to be brave in searching for the car,

Kristie enjoys the beauty of the snow and trees.

While looking for the car, Mike practices his politician pose.

With that shirt and the beard, Mike could run for borough assembly!

If only, he could find the car!

Mike knows where the trail is, but refuses to follow it most of the time.

This may be the reason we couldn't find the car!

Everywhere Mike and Kristie look,

there is nothing but snowy paths and NO car.

Kristie is still searching for the car.

Feeling strong and bold, Kristie will find that car, if it's the last thing she does.

"Yes, I can!" "Yes, we can!" Mike says about finding the car.

Keeping in good spirits, Kristie smiles for the camera.

Mike, suddenly energetic, feels that the car can't be far away.

Hmmmm.....maybe the snowshoe hare tracks will lead us to the car.

Of course, that didn't work. Never trust a bunny!

Tiring quickly, Kristie collapses in the snow.

Of course, the car is nowhere in sight.

Apparently, Kristie cannot go any further in the search for the car.

If there were an Arctic CSI, this is what the body outline would look like.

No, the car is not down that way!

Yippee! Apparently those bunny tracks worked out okay.

We finally found the car.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Birthday, Abigail!

Abigail is celebrating her 14th birthday today! She spent her birthday morning by sleeping late, having a leisurely breakfast, taking a quick bath, and then settling in for a long nap. This afternoon, Mike and I placed the birthday hat upon her head so that we could sing happy birthday to her and take pictures. This was obviously her favorite part of the day! Then, we presented her with her gift, a little "house" in which she can crawl and find a cozy place to take another nap.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Barney Parney Poo!

Today after dinner, Mike and I spent the final fleeting moments of daylight welcoming our new winter addition to our home... Barney the Snowman!

Barney has a nice smile. We even grew his nose in our garden!

As usual, I supervised as Mike did most of the work. Yes, it's hard being in charge all the time, but somebody has to do it. ;-)

Go Mike Go!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

First Snow

It's official! On October 16th of 2011, we have had our first snow of the season. Welcome to winter and bring on the snow!!!!