Saturday, September 26, 2009

Waking Up to Snow

Good morning! Mike and I awoke this morning to a blanket of white. There is about an inch on the ground. It is still snowing lightly. It is so beautiful!

Mike has headed off to the last day of the Farmer's Market where he is selling candles. I will be going out there around lunch time. It certainly seems like a cold day to be at the Market!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One more of Mike.....

First Snow of the Season

Okay, I know this may not be a major thing to most of you. HOWEVER, this is huge! Most people here in the Interior are moaning and groaning. Not so for Mike and me! We are thrilled. We are elated! We are fascinated! This is the first snow of the season. I hope you enjoy the first of many pictures of snow in Alaska!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fall Mornings

Alaskan mornings are proving to be somewhat cold and somewhat beautiful. I know that you have been asking yourself on numerous occassions, "What does it look like at 6:30 a.m. in North Pole, Alaska?" Well, I have your answer. On this particular morning, it was 31 degrees and the sky was glowing a beautiful pink.

Can you see the man in the moon?
On second thought, can you even see the moon?

The sun creates a beautiful glow as it rises over North Pole.

The moon says goodbye for the day.

The fall leaves are hanging on for dear life.

Mike can put that new leaf blower to use very soon!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chena Lakes on Labor Day

On Monday, Labor Day, Mike and I spent an afternoon with one of my co-workers and her daughter. We were blessed to go to Chena Lakes with Michele and her beautiful daughter, Kari. The four of us rented a row boat and rowed around the lake.

Chena Lakes in the Fall.

Mike and Kari row Michele and I all around Chena Lakes.

Mike and Kari skip rocks.

Mushroom, anyone?

Abigail and Moose Burgers

By the title of this post, you may be wondering how Abigail, our sweet cat, and moose burgers go together. Well, to be honest, they don't. However, I had two pictures that I wanted to post and this was the best way to do it.
You may also be wondering how in the world Mike and I came to point where we ate a moose burger. Well, it started like this. When speaking with my principal about six weeks ago, I mentioned that I would like to try some moose. Not thinking much about it, I went on my way. Two days ago, she met me as I walked in the door of the school with a grocery bag full of moose meat. It included ground moose, moose sausage and a moose roast.

It took a couple of days to get up enough nerve to take a package out of the freezer, defrost it, and cook it. Labor Day was the day we decided to throw caution to the wind and have a nice, juicy burger.

After preparing, cooking and eating, Mike and I have decided that moose definitely taste different from beef. In fact, it taste different from anything that I've ever had! We also decided that we could most likely develop a taste for moose. It wasn't too bad. Next week, we'll pull out the roast and give it a whirl.

As for our dear, sweet Abigail, we found her nicely poised in Mike's chair looking as if she had just finished two ears of corn. Personally, I think she was after the moose burger!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Our Fall Adventure

Today, Mike and I set out in search of some spectacular Fall colors.
Our search led us to Denali National Park.

Birch trees are a beautiful yellow.

Mike takes a break after walking about 1/4 mile.

Beautiful Birches and Spruces cover the mountains.

Mike tries to find a place to cross the Savage River.

The skies are a beautiful clear blue on the drive to Denali.

The park is full of beautiful colors!

Clouds begin to roll in later in the afternoon.

Ahhhhh, this is the life!

The sun tries to peek through the clouds.

The underbrush turns a spectacular red.

Savage River

Mt. McKinley is WAY off in the distance.

A closer look at Mt. McKinley.

Mike and I have to say that Alaska is the most beautiful state!

Mike, a self-portrait.

Kristie takes a break after a sort of long hike.

Whatever it is, it's pretty.

A gentle rain begins to fall at the end of our day.

Cranberries are ripe and ready to eat!

This is the last of the Fireweed.

These birds are flying high.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Calvin Fall Update

Fall colors are slowly starting to appear in North Pole. We are enjoying cold nights and semi-warm days. Of course, warm is relevant. If you consider 55 degrees warm, it's been really warm. If you consider 55 degrees cold, it's been freezing! No matter how you slice it, fall is here and winter is just around the corner. After all, 55 degrees above beats 55 degrees below any day!

Mike and I are going to drive to Denali National Park on Sunday. We hope to capture some incredible photos of the fall colors. Watch for another post early next week. God bless!

The slough behind our house is full of fall colors.

This small birch tree is a bright yellow.

The rosehips are turning a bright red.

Mike, get that rake ready! The leaves are falling!

Kristie enjoys a warm, fall day.

Kristie stands under the tallest tree in the backyard.

Fall Kitty Update

AC says, "WHY do I have to do this?"

"If you're going to take my picture, please get my good side."

Abigail says, "If anyone comes near me with a comb,
I'll scratch their eyes out!"

"Does my face look like it belongs on America's Most Wanted Kitties?
I promise I didn't do it! Not intentionally, that is...."

Francie says, "I'm the most cutest, sweetest,
prettiest Princess of a Kitty.
My face would be on Cat Fancy,
NOT America's Most Wanted Kitty."

"Wow! I'm gorgeous. I even impress myself."

The Calvin kitties are slowly adjusting to life in Alaska. Since they have had four months to acclimate, AC, Abigail and Francie decided to sit still long enough for me to take some pictures. Their daily schedule pretty much includes the following:

1. Wake up
2. Eat
3. Take a bath
4. Take a nap

Of course, this schedule is repeated throughout the day as many times as they deem necessary. Another favorite activity, all be it a short one, is watching Rusty the Squirrel from the back window. Rusty has been busily storing away nuts for the winter. Somehow he either missed Mike or Mike was just too big to fit in Rusty's tree. I'm not sure which. Anyway, Francie and Abigail are mystified by this red, furry rodent. Personally, I think that they would love to catch little Rusty and eat him, or at least torture him for a while.

The kitties send their love to everyone who reads this blog. They hope they you will visit North Pole, Alaska very soon and stay at the Calvin House!