June 20th and 21st are two very important days in the Interior of Alaska. These dates signify the Summer Solstice. People celebrate the long hours of daylight. The city of Fairbanks holds numerous activities and festivals to help people find ways to commemorate this memorable event. For example, tonight, there is a baseball game that starts at 10:00 p.m. You can also play golf at all hours of the day or night. You can dance the night away at the Midnight Sun Dance.
While Mike and I did not participate in these events, we did engage in a few activities. Yesterday, we visited the Tanana Valley Farmer’s Market. The Farmer’s Market is full of goodies, such as, jams, honey, baked goods, woodworking, plants, vegetables and Thai food.
Yes, I said Thai food. Does that sound Alaskan to you? I didn’t think so. However, there are a plethora of Thai restaurants in the borough. In fact, it could take close to six months to visit all of them.
Enough of the Thai food. The Farmer’s Market is a great place to find special treats. Mike found his treat at the kettle pop corn tent. He bought a bag and a smoothie and was set for the day. We also visited the Midnight Sun Festival. There were tents on three city blocks. Everything from arts to crafts to food and activities. Mike and I found the Fairbanks Fire Department exhibit and could not resist taking a picture with a fire truck.
The highlight of this weekend was the Midnight Sun Run. The 10k race starts at 10:00 p.m. and ends whenever you finish. Mike and I have been so excited about this event. We have been training, mentally, for at least 8 weeks. Before the race, I ate my fair share of peanut butter fudge. I needed the sugar to get through the race.
Mike and I arrived at the race three hours prior to the start. When we arrived, the clouds were building off in the distance. The air turned cold as the wind began to blow. After using the porta-pottie, we made our way over to the registration table. We received our numbers and our complimentary t-shirts.
We had heard that people often dress in costume for the race. However, we were surprised at how elaborate some of the costumes were. From a man dressed as a bride to an imitation Octo-mom, they had it all! After an hour of the Costume Parade, the race was ready to start.
Mike and I found our place with the “Walkers” section. At promptly 10:00 p.m., the cannon started the race and the rain began to fall. Mike and I were off with a bang not being phased by the dampness! My personal goal was to finish the race under 1 ½ hours. The first mile took us just over 17 minutes. A little discouraged by our time, I decided that I needed to pick up the pace. The second mile was our fastest. However, if I didn’t pick up the pace, I would not meet my goal. So, I suggest to Mike that we walk some and then jog some. With that strategy, we staggered across the finish line at 1 hours and just over 28 minutes.
When we crossed the finish line, my body realized just how much abuse I had dealt it. My back hurt. My hips hurt. My knees hurt. My ankles hurt. And my feet hurt. I thought I would need a wheel chair to get to the car. With pride dominating, I hobbled to the car and slumped into the seat. Of course, Mike was not feeling any pain. He could have gone on for miles! Not me! I needed to get home and get home fast. Being the attentive husband he is, Mike drove me home. I showered, crawled into bed and enjoyed a sound night’s sleep.
While Mike and I did not participate in these events, we did engage in a few activities. Yesterday, we visited the Tanana Valley Farmer’s Market. The Farmer’s Market is full of goodies, such as, jams, honey, baked goods, woodworking, plants, vegetables and Thai food.
Yes, I said Thai food. Does that sound Alaskan to you? I didn’t think so. However, there are a plethora of Thai restaurants in the borough. In fact, it could take close to six months to visit all of them.
Enough of the Thai food. The Farmer’s Market is a great place to find special treats. Mike found his treat at the kettle pop corn tent. He bought a bag and a smoothie and was set for the day. We also visited the Midnight Sun Festival. There were tents on three city blocks. Everything from arts to crafts to food and activities. Mike and I found the Fairbanks Fire Department exhibit and could not resist taking a picture with a fire truck.
The highlight of this weekend was the Midnight Sun Run. The 10k race starts at 10:00 p.m. and ends whenever you finish. Mike and I have been so excited about this event. We have been training, mentally, for at least 8 weeks. Before the race, I ate my fair share of peanut butter fudge. I needed the sugar to get through the race.
Mike and I arrived at the race three hours prior to the start. When we arrived, the clouds were building off in the distance. The air turned cold as the wind began to blow. After using the porta-pottie, we made our way over to the registration table. We received our numbers and our complimentary t-shirts.
We had heard that people often dress in costume for the race. However, we were surprised at how elaborate some of the costumes were. From a man dressed as a bride to an imitation Octo-mom, they had it all! After an hour of the Costume Parade, the race was ready to start.
Mike and I found our place with the “Walkers” section. At promptly 10:00 p.m., the cannon started the race and the rain began to fall. Mike and I were off with a bang not being phased by the dampness! My personal goal was to finish the race under 1 ½ hours. The first mile took us just over 17 minutes. A little discouraged by our time, I decided that I needed to pick up the pace. The second mile was our fastest. However, if I didn’t pick up the pace, I would not meet my goal. So, I suggest to Mike that we walk some and then jog some. With that strategy, we staggered across the finish line at 1 hours and just over 28 minutes.
When we crossed the finish line, my body realized just how much abuse I had dealt it. My back hurt. My hips hurt. My knees hurt. My ankles hurt. And my feet hurt. I thought I would need a wheel chair to get to the car. With pride dominating, I hobbled to the car and slumped into the seat. Of course, Mike was not feeling any pain. He could have gone on for miles! Not me! I needed to get home and get home fast. Being the attentive husband he is, Mike drove me home. I showered, crawled into bed and enjoyed a sound night’s sleep.
to be out running a race at 10:00 p.m.
Mike has found our place in line.
Mike and Kristie keep each other warm before the race.
The crowd is awaiting the cannon to start the race.
After 1 hour and 28 minutes, Kristie is ready to drop.
Midnight Sun Run Costume Parade:
The Runaway Bride has his running shoes on!
The Octo-Mom is in good shape for a 6.2 mile race.
This sea creature may be able to swim with all the rain we received.
Midnight Sun Run Costume Parade: