Welcome to North Pole, Alaska where everyday is Christmas!
Many people have asked, “What is it like in North Pole?” Well, frankly, North Pole is like any small town. We have a McDonald’s, a Taco Bell and a Pizza Hut. We also have other modern conveniences, such as, a post office, fire stations and a police department. We even have indoor plumbing!
What we do have, that most small towns do not, is The Santa Claus House and candy canes for light poles. Reindeer grace the property of The Santa Claus House. The main street that runs through the middle of town is Santa Claus Lane. Most of the town and the shops stay decorated for Christmas all year long. We were driving down one of the streets this past week and they have their Christmas decorations hanging on the light poles. We went into a restaurant that has a Christmas tree, wreath and all sorts of garland and decorations. To sum it up, North Pole is about Christmas. North Pole never stops celebrating. It is a 24/7/365 event!
So far, life in North Pole has been warm. We have been experiencing beautiful sunshine (almost 24 hours a day) and temperatures in the 70’s with little humidity. However, within a few months, the weather will start changing. We will begin our first winter in beautiful North Pole. I feel that we are physically prepared to handle the harsh winter climate. I’m just not sure about mentally.
The Santa Claus House is a popular destination
reindeer whisperer.... that should be your new screen name, Kristie