Read the story below this post.
The Fire

Mike uses charcoal to cook hot dogs.

Mike whittles the end of a stick to use for cooking the dogs.

After Mike leaves to buy firewood,
Kristie uses her two days of girl scout training
to start a fire.

See what girl scout training can do for you!

Now that's a blaze!

Kristie is feeling pretty good about her fire.

Mike just got back from buying firewood and sees Kristie's blaze!
Putting out the Fire:
Mike tries to pump water to put out the fire.
Nothing happens.

Using that same two days of girl scout training,
Kristie grabs a zip lock back and goes to the lake
to get some water.

While this may not be good to drink,
Kristie bets that it will put out the fire.

Look out fire, here we come!

In a single douse, this fire is out!

A good girl scout (even with only two days of training) always
stirs the fire to ensure it is completely out.
Signs in the Park:

Does ANYONE see ANYTHING wrong with this picture?
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