Last year, Mike and I spent New Year's Day in the White Mountains snowshoeing. In reality, the snow was not very deep and we didn't need the snowshoes. So, when Mike suggested that we take our snowshoes, I said, "Oh, honey! There's not enough snow up there to need our snowshoes. Let's just go for a simple hike." Man, was I wrong. The snow was thigh deep in most places!
You can check out some video Mike shot (I thought he was just taking pictures)

Mike bundles up in his warmest winter gear.
However, it was a balmy 25 degrees and he
shed the layers within 5 minutes!

Ice and the sunset

This hill was just begging to be climbed!
Mike and I,
undoubtedly, must oblige!

A view from the top

Another view from the top

The sunset from the top

Mike climbs the hill with ease and grace!

Kristie loves the

Kristie smiles for Mike, but really she's just
thankful for the break!

The trail looked like a winter wonderland!

The snow was thigh deep in many places.
Kristie just happen to find this one.

Sitting down, Kristie
strategizes on how
to get out of this predicament.

She might get out faster, IF Mike would put down
the camera and help!

Mike trudges through knee-deep snow.

Mike finds some deep snow of his own!

Walking into the sunset.....

After his heart rates climbs, Mike takes a breather.

After all the hard work of climbing, Kristie could
have easily taken a nap. The snow really was comfortable!

The road from the White Mountains was covered
with fresh snow and old ice.

The sunset from
Olnos City was beautiful,
even driving by at 55 mph.

The clouds were a beautiful pink!
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