Mike and I took advantage of the long weekend and headed up to the White Mountains' Nome Creek area. We found a nice little campsite that offered the latest in technology and luxurious accommodations. In other words, there was no cell phone signal, no showers, no flush toilets (it did have an outhouse) and certainly no electricity for a hair dryer. But then again, who needs a hair dryer when you can wash your hair because you don't have a stinking shower?
Okay, let me stay positive. We did have the sweetest, lazy creek that meandered through the back edge of our campsite. We took our camp chairs back to the edge and watched the water flow by and listened to the birds sing and the squirrels chatter. Watching the water flow by was just about as exciting as watching paint dry. However, it was very relaxing. I am convinced that we must be getting OLD!
We also went panning for gold (which we found a whopping nothing). We went on a hike that proved to be quite uneventful except for the little varmint that almost attacked me while I was taking pictures of wild flowers. Hey, at least it wasn't a bear!
After three days of no showers, no hot water, or a cell phone to talk on, I decided I had had enough and asked Mike if we could go home. He looked at me and said, "Aside from the stench, I don't see why we can't go home and let you take a shower." So, this morning (one day earlier than planned), we loaded up the car and headed home.
This is where you will find me now. I have had a shower, washed my hair and talked to at least two people on my cell phone. Oh, life is good!

Our home away from home.

This is where we cooked, ate, and sat around.

Mike dips water so that he can put out the
fire in case it gets a little out of control

Mike shovels moose nuggets so that we will have
a place to pitch our tent.

See, I told you there were moose nuggets.

Even though we were out for a little R and R,
I had to find time to study for my classes.

Each evening, Mike and I watched the water flow by.
Suddenly, we realized that we must be getting old
if we considered this the highlight of our night.

Oh, did I ever need a shower so I could wash my hair!

No make up and bad hair = shower withdrawals!

To keep from smelling each other,
Mike and I went down by the creek to pan for gold.

Mike and I went for a hike up to Table Top Mountain.
We found several patches of snow, even at 80 degrees!

I do believe that Mike considered rolling in the snow
to cool off from the heat of the day.

The breeze was quite refreshing on our hike.

This critter came charging at me
while I was taking pictures of flowers.

He came so close I thought he was going to attack me.

He was so vicious. Really, he was!

I endured the attacked from that varmint, just to get this picture.

These beautiful flowers dotted the mountain side.

More pretty flowers......
I'm surprised that ermine was mean to you! We enjoyed chasing one down at Cooper Lake on the peninsula. He kept hiding, but I did manage to capture some photos. I thought he was cute - in a ferret sort of way.
ReplyDeleteI was planning on heading to the White Mountains today, but plans changed. Maybe I'll get out there sometime this week. The last time I was there (April) we couldn't get back to the campgrounds because the roads were still too deep with snow.
Good to see the wildflowers are blooming. Another reason to head out there!
Susan in North Pole