On Saturday, we went to the street fair and the rubber duckie race. The organizers dropped over 6000 rubber duckies into the Chena River. The cute, yellow duckies floated from the Wendell Bridge to the Cushman Street Bridge. The person who bought the winning duckie won some monetary prize. Mike and I resisted the urge to waste, oh I mean, spend our money on a rubber duckie. Instead, we sat along the river bank and watched them float by.
On Sunday, Mike and I got up and headed into town for the Red Green Regatta. During this event, contestants build "things" that float. They then float this floating "things" from Graehl Park to Pioneer Park. Most people get pretty creative in their designs, as you will see below.
After the Regatta, we walked over to Pioneer Park for the annual Governor's Picnic. Each year, the Governor hosts a picnic where he serves hotdogs and hamburgers to people who are willing to stand in very longs lines just to have him put a hotdog on a bun. Other political politicians are there, as well. Today, Mike and I met the Lt. Governor, the Commisioner of Education (I introduced myself to him and gave a brief history of my education experience), and the Commisioner of Health Services, who was handing out calorie busting, artery clogging potato chips. After eating, the Governor and his wife asked to have their picture taken with Mike and me. We happily obliged their request.
Later in the day, Mike and I watched and helped out at the Bathtub Races. Each race team consisted of 5 members. One member had to ride in the bathtub filled with water and bubble bath, while the other four raced them around Pioneer Park while carrying towels, bars of soap, and washcloths. The team who finished with at least one gallon of water in their tub and all of the aboved mentioned items in the shortest time won. Mike and I had some good laughs at other people's expense at this event!
We are now home and resting from a busy weekend. Mike is on the sofa with Zoee watching Mission to Mars (which I personally do NOT understand nor am Iinterested in it). I am now turning my thoughts to my last two classes this week for the politics class I am taking. So, good night and have a great week!
The Rubber Duckie Race
Check out the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrFdBJd2otU.

The Governor's Picnic

traded it in for this one.
Only 10 more payments and it's his!
I like the antlers!
To Mike and me, this was the best float. They had a live band with all the necessary instruments. They even used guitars for paddles.
The contraption the man in the back is using is an OVERSIZED slingshot he used to shoot water balloons at the crowd.

The Red Green Regatta
Contestants build "things" that will float from Graehl Park to Pioneer Park.
This guy remembered!