The Calvin's Garden is looking pretty good! We should have some broccoli in the next week or so. Our carrots (which I do not have pictures of) are doing great. The tomatoes now have blooms. We covered them with plastic and mounted a thermometer inside. Today, the temperature got up to 98 degrees. Hopefully, that will produce a few tomatoes before our first freeze. Who knows how long that will be. This morning was 39 degrees when I got up at 5:00 a.m.!

over sized cabbage is 4 feet in diameter!

Can I call Mike a cabbage head with this pose????

Each leaf is almost 24" wide.

Hopefully, we will have tomatoes before winter sets in!

Covering the tomatoes with plastic will help them grow.

I planted the broccoli too close together.
Next year, I need to give them more space.

Oh, there are the carrots!
They are being taken over by broccoli plants.

I spy a broccoli head!

Our flowers out front are now blooming.

Of all the flowers we planted, the pansies did the best.

Snap dragons are doing great, too.
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